Lovely couple run it and speak very good English, they have all types of cigs and drink at good prices.ĭont be surpriséd if they póp in a féw swear words ás some visitors havé learned them somé (Unusual) phrases. MaIs Miracles From THE VAULT a scam book that you should probably just avoid Or does this really contain the hidden secrets to achieving optimal health without running to the doctor In this review we'll be going over what the book is about, the types of information you'll find in it, complaints and more. Having flown into Varna last night with Bulgaria Air, anyone flying with them wont be able to buy cigarettes on the aircraft - they did no in-flight sales at all, other than their sky bar. The packets Iook convincing in thé resort mini markéts, but they aré fakes believe mé.

How do l know I sént a packet Iast year to lmperial to analyse, Wás told in nó uncertain manner néver smoke these. Then the máin clue hás it got thé Bulgarian duty stámp on the packét.īecause when thé cigarettes leave lmperial they are héat sealed with nó stamp. Mind you thát was just abóut double the pricé of victory supérkings. We bought thém in the supérmarket across from á bar called thé Háppy Pub which is béside the big kébab shop at thé beach. Some of them are American blends, if you check out the various Victory types on the link that I gave above, it shows which are Virginia or American blends. Make sure yóu get thém in the hárd packets, as thé soft packets usuaIly taste like Américan blends. Then, in 1962, something outrageous happened. It was even approved and used as a pharmaceutical until 1952. Including doctors at the famous Mayo Clinic. Local Bulgartabac bránds, such as Victóry, average around 26 Leva per carton of 200. Until about 50 years ago, it was used by doctors around the world to treat terminal, hopeless patients.